About Valentina
Valentina Febres Alvarez is the mother of two wonderful insightful kids. She started her yoga practice in 2002, but it wasn't until 2008 that she started her formal inner journey.
Valentina has been actively leading weekly meditation groups since 2016 and is currently in the process of obtaining her Mindfulness Teacher Certification through the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley.
She's been guiding groups through a variety of meditation techniques that can bring her students closer to their alignment with their true path. She currently lives in Austin, Texas and works as a meditation guide and spiritual regressionist. She also enjoys working in the graphic design field and helps the Hispanic community as a professional Spanish interpreter. Valentina leads weekly meditation classes to a virtual audience from all over the world.
Valentina started studying Tibetan Buddhism in 2009, which sparked a strong interest in the subconscious, and the opportunity to explore the vast potential of inner growth that can be accessed through concentration techniques including meditation and "spiritual" hypnosis. She trained with Dr. Brian Weiss, studying intuitive exercises and hypnosis techniques, with the intention of achieving a successful connection with her higher guidance.
About HappYou HappyMe
Over ten years ago I experienced the illness and death of my own mother and the overwhelming feelings of emotional pain and hopelessness, followed by a sudden relief, after an interesting shift in perspective. This contrasting experience led me to research on the Self-centeredness and Selflessness psychological functionings. ​
The threatening feeling of my mother’s death approaching made me feel hopeless, it was terrifying. I couldn’t stop thinking about my suffering and I started to amplify the sense of responsibility I had over my children and household, to the point that it all felt as a heavy burden. I didn’t realize my Self-centered psychological functioning was creating a big impact on how I was experiencing these feelings. I did not see, nor considered others around me, therefore I felt alone. I was suffering.
The interesting shift in my perspective started one night after a steamy discussion with my husband; a vision of a herd of deer crossing our street came to my mind, one of the deer had lifted its white tail to
warn the rest of the herd of an approaching hazard,
the deer rushed through the street, signaling the others with its white tail lifted, and none of them got hurt while crossing.​
This image was key for me to see the perspective on the situation I was experiencing with my suffering. I realized that I was not communicating my approaching hazard to “my herd” (my family), like animals do, who don’t have a sense of self. Nor was I protecting or thinking about their well being, and this behavior magnified my feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. I only got to realize this when I started to focus my attention towards others around me, instead of just towards my own suffering. The changes that started happening in my life were so drastically positive that I felt the need to research more about what was happening with me, and understand the drastic shift in perception that was inspired by the natural Selfless behavior in animals.
This is how the Happyou Happyme way of life started for me. Join me in working to create this experience together.